Learning Project Ideas
Write a Hello World program in every course language and others.
Copy your Hello World programs to your notes inside of code fences.
Research the pros and cons of Brave vs Chromium vs Chrome.
Read all the ProtonMail support pages.
Customize your ProtonMail web interface.
Go for a walk and ponder what you like to do and write it down.
Ponder what people tell you that you are good at and write it down.
Imagine what your best work day would be like and write it down.
Consider if and how technologies covered match your personal goals.
Post a few messages to the community Discord channel.
Learning Project Ideas
Start your notes project repo on GitLab.
Create a learning plan with a daily schedule and your goals.
Port your notes from Day 1 into Basic Pandoc Markdown in notes repo.
Use one of everything from Basic Pandoc Markdown in your notes.
Do your own research to compare Pandoc to other tools and formats.
Take some relevant notes from Google docs and add them to notes repo.
Research different services out there to see which use Markdown.
Complete all of Typing.com.
Invite people in Discord to race you on NitroType.
Play some of the listed typing games.
Force yourself to use one-handed mouse cut and pasting.

Editing Files from Terminal

Set Up Command-Line Git and GitLab

Learning Project Ideas
Write your thoughts about the terminal in your notes.
Identify your terminal limiters and write them in your notes.
Argue with yourself about when GUI or TUI is better.
Practice editing files in Nano for a while to compare.
Practice editing files in Emacs for a while to compare.
Complete all seven parts of vimtutor.
Read and practice the Vi Magic Wands.
Do some of the other Vim Resources.
Explain what public key cryptography to yourself in your notes like you are explaining it to someone.
Move your SSH keys and make some more. Repeat until it comes natural.
Research what Git is about and what files it creates on your computer.
Delete and re-clone a GitLab project a few times to get used to it.
Create several GitLab repos from scratch to memorize the git commands.
Read up on Bash and create a Magic Eight Ball shell script.
Read the first Part of The Linux Command Line in advance.
Navigate around your Linux system with the survival commands.
Teach yourself the Ed editor as well as Vim.

Day 4

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 4 (May 7, 2020)

Configure Vim

Set Up Dotfiles Repo

Configure Bash

Get Stuff from Web without Browser

Configure TMUX

No One is Ever Finished Configuring

Learning Project Ideas
Familiarize yourself with :help from within Vim.
Snoop through several other dotfiles directories on GitLab and GitHub.
Learn about Plug and add your first plugin.
Customize all your configurations by stealing from others.
Look for cool stuff to use curl with on the Web.
Practice sharing files and code with friends using ix.
Read through all of the TMUX configuration and study about it.
Familiarize yourself with :help from within Vim.

Day 5

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 5 (May 8, 2020)

Basic Networking Overview

Remote Secure Shell Connections

Configure Lynx

Personal Privacy and Online Safety

Learning to Learn

Week One Wrap Up

Learning Project Ideas
Describe how your home network works to a non-technical friend or family member. Or just write down you explanation.
Describe how the Internet works to a non-technical friend or family member. Or just write down your explanation.
Create a PicoCTF account and connect to it with ssh through a VPN.
Connect to OverTheWire with ssh over a VPN.
Practice copying files between PicoCTF and/or OverTheWire with scp.
Make a plan and set a goal to get off Google completely.
Setup your own KeePassXC database with auto-typing activated.
Add your private SSH keys to KeePassXC and activate SSH Agent
Read through the lengthy old Lynx configuration files.
Install and sample other text-only Web browsers compared to Lynx.
Ponder what cognitive biases you might have and how to protect against
Dig deeply into what it means to be an autodidact.
Set some specific skill goals to reduce the number of questions you have to ask that you can research and answer on your own.
Find an opportunity to contradict or disagree with someone without being triggered or triggering them.
Practice balancing no-fear, strong disagreement with respect and concern for the person attacking the information, concept, or tool and not the person.

Week Two: Grokking, Installing, and Running Linux

Day 6

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 6 (May 11, 2020)

What is Linux?

Getting Linux


Linux Distributions

Day 7

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 7 (May 12, 2020)

Know the Linux Hosting Providers

What Can You Do?

Create a Digital Ocean Droplet

Set Up Paper Minecraft Server

Day 8

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 8 (May 13, 2020)

Grok Virtualization

Grok Containerization

Run a Linux Docker Container

Create and Run a Linux Virtual Machine

Day 9

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 9 (May 14, 2020)

Find a Computer

Create a Bootable USB Drive

Understand Boot Process

Know If and When to Dual Boot

Practice Live Booting

Make It Safe

Day 10

📺 Linux Beginner Boost - Day 10 (May 15, 2020)

Use Software Package Managers

Understand Professional Linux Occupations

Review the Week

Week Three: The Linux Command Line, I-III

Day 11

Read and practice everything through page 127

Grok Annotations Approach


Learning Project Ideas

Part 1: Learning the Shell

Day 12

Read and practice everything through Page 170

Part 1: Learning the Shell (Continued)

Day 13

Read and practice everything through Page 161

Part 2: Configuration and the Environment

Day 14

Day 15

Week Four: The Linux Command Line, IV

Note that this week will cover the content of Part IV but not in the same order as the book necessarily.

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

Day 20