Views on Life, Learning, and Tech

The word view is often a synonym for opinion. Views are inevitably shaped by values. Opinions are impossible to escape in life — particularly in the tech world. Opinions are good. Strong opinions are even better if they have been backed with objective research. But opinions can become toxic when mixed with ego and passion becoming explosive, dogmatic, and personal — a struggle most every passionate technologist will face at some point.

Conflict usually comes from not knowing why a person has a opinion. In fact, most anger can be linked to misunderstanding. Too often technologists start with conclusions without an explanation of how they arrived at them leading to misunderstanding, judgement, anger, and the occasional middle finger.

For example, the following conclusions are very confrontational:

A bunch of readers just got angry. Many are wondering immediately which conclusions are “right.” More importantly, however, is the question, “Why would someone say these things?”

Even if your conclusion is backed in objective observation and experience starting with it comes off as trolling and personal when given first—especially because so many technologists are afflicted with like-mentality and intellectual laziness when it comes to researching their own conclusions — or worse — sharing how they arrived at them. Strive to be different. You are better than that.


Systems of Education



Web Libraries and Frameworks


Careers in Technology