Print Your Public Secure Shell (SSH) Key with cat

Careful, Not Your Private Key

Here’s how to quickly display the content of your ED25519 Secure Shell public key.

cat ~/.ssh/

You should see something like the following:

ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOxsQnKQcnJ3zymnCdfdGvYZX898LVkDhz9gvMY5FRFj rwxyou@home

If that doesn’t work then you either don’t have a key at all or you don’t have the right type of key. Either way you should go generate one. Otherwise, proceed.

When you provide your public key all of it is required including the ssh-... at the beginning and the rwxyou@home (or whatever) at the end. Frequently people only send the middle part.