Set Up PaperMC Server on Linux

Here’s how to set up a PaperMC Minecraft server in a simple way to get you started.

First, you will need to set up a Linux server if you haven’t already.

Then you should first create an account specifically to run your Minecraft server. Let’s call the account mc. If you are doing this as another user or at home you can skip past it.

Login to server host.

ssh mc@myhost

Change into your home directory.


Create a paper directory to contain server.

mkdir paper

Change into the paper directory.

cd paper

Find the paper downloadable Java jar file on the Web.

Copy the latest link address by selecting it.

You do not need to do Control-C to copy on Linux! Simply select the text by highlighting it. Make sure you get the latest download link URL. Don’t just use the following. It might be out of date.

Download the server jar file and name it paper.jar by using the command and pasting your URL. Make sure to follow any server redirects.

curl -L -o paper.jar

Check the human-readable size and type of the file after downloading it.

ls -lh paper.jar
  file paper.jar

Run the server jar file to create the eula.txt file.

java -jar paper.jar

List the files. Find eula.txt and review the content (without editing just yet).

ls -lh eula.txt
  cat eula.txt

Agree to the EULA by editing the eula.txt file and changing false to true.

Although you probably have not yet learned about Perl and regular expressions this is a perfect example of something that does not even need to be opened up with an editor. It is a safe enough change since the file is simple and the text string to be changed is unique. You could edit the eula.txt file in place like this:

perl -pi -e 's/false/true/' eula.txt

Perl is the command line tool. The -p means to “print” it. The -i means to “print” it back to the file “in line” instead of just to the screen. The -e means to just do the command s/false/true/, which means to substitute the first thing with the second thing.

Be really careful if you try this out on other stuff because it is very powerful. You will eventually learn to be able to change things in 100s or even 1000s of files at once.

vi eula.txt

You’ll probably want to hone and improve things over time. This is just for absolute beginners who barely know how to use the terminal command line. For example, no discussion of Java memory constraints is included.

See Also