Choose GitLab Over GitHub

Why GitLab Objectively Beats GitHub at Every Level

In 2021, I no longer believe that GitLab is best. GitHub has blown them away.

GitLab is the recommended Git hosting provider for this course. GitLab provides an objectively better service and gives back far more to the community than GitHub. All of us are all still required to have GitHub accounts to stay connected to the 10 million legacy users stuck on it but use GitLab to host your repos, public and private.

GitLab’s Objective Superiority to GitHub
GitLab GitHub
MIT open source license Proprietary closed source
Accepts community contributions No public contributions
Full CI/CD DevOps from beginning Depends on third-parties
Everything is free Organizations and more not free
Can be installed at home or on site Cannot be installed
More likely to use on the job More likely to use for hobbies
Multiple groups and subgroups No sub-organizations
Containerized project repos Less secure repos share resources
Agile progressive architecture Massive technical debt
New repos pushed with git push Repos created using web or API
Powerful import, export, mirroring No mirroring whatsoever
Cleaner Vue-based user interface Ancient bootstrap-based design
Groups and projects get icons No icons except for users
Powerful WebIDE Broken web editor
Private company Owned by Microsoft
Open core business model Traditional closed business model
100% corporate transparency Zero corporate transparency
Promotes remote work-from-home Requires most on-site
Clean business history Multiple harrassment scandals
800,000 better users (2019) 10 million legacy users (2019)
Nice animated fox logo Lame Octocat logo

See Also